Taking the pain out of debt recovery since 1982
02 9670 5112

Privacy Policy

You'll find our detailed Privacy and Complaint Resultion policies fully explained below.

Australian Collection Services is committed to providing you with the best possible customer service experience. Australian Collection Services is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Crh), which sets out a number of principles concerning the privacy of individuals.

Collection of your personal information

There are many aspects of the site which can be viewed without providing personal information, however, for access to future Australian Collection Services customer support features you may be required to submit personally identifiable information. This may include but not limited to a unique username and password, or to provide personal information for the recovery of your lost password.  We do not collect any "sensitive" information, as defined by the Privacy Act.

Sharing of your personal information

We may occasionally engage other individuals or companies to provide services on our behalf, including but not limited to fulfilling our day to day business activities. Those individuals or companies will be permitted to obtain only the personal information they need to deliver the service required. Australian Collection Services takes reasonable steps to ensure that these organisations are bound by confidentiality and privacy obligations in relation to the protection of your personal information.

Use of your personal information

For each visitor to reach the site, we may expressively collect the following non-personally identifiable information, including but not limited to browser type, IP address, version and language, operating system, pages viewed while browsing the Site, page access times and referring website address. This collected information is used solely internally for the purpose of ensuring site security, monitoring appropriate site access and gauging visitor traffic.

From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change at some time in the future we will use for these new purposes only, data collected from the time of the policy change forward will adhere to our updated practices.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Australian Collection Services reserves the right to make amendments to this Privacy Policy at any time. If you have objections to the Privacy Policy, you should not access or use the Site.

Accessing Your Personal Information

You have a right to access your personal information, subject to exceptions allowed by law. If you would like to do so, please let us know. You may be required to put your request in writing for security reasons. Australian Collection Services reserves the right to charge a fee for searching for, and providing access to, your information on a per request basis.

Contacting us

Australian Collection Services welcomes your comments regarding this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy and would like further information, please contact us by any of the following means during business hours Monday to Friday.

Call: Sammy - Ph: 02 9670 5112



At Australian Collection Services we are committed to a fair and prompt resolution of any disputes or complaints. In the event that you are unhappy regarding any part of our services, we have an Internal Dispute Resolution process in place to assist in satisfying any complaint.

First point of Contact for a Complaint:

Complaints Officer: Sammy
Director – Australian Collection Services
Tel: 02 9670 5112

The complaint does not need to be in writing and may be presented to us by any reasonable means, for example letter, telephone, email or in person.

You can also contact us on/at:

Phone (02) 9670 5112
Fax: 02 9670 5822

If you have chosen to e-mail, fax or write to us with a complaint, you will receive an acknowledgement so you will know that we have received your complaint.

Complaints Process:

The Complaints Officer will assist you with handling the complaint and will advise if any further information is needed. The Complaints Officer will liaise with any parties involved in a fair and impartial manner to find answers for you and if appropriate, determine a fair remedy. You will be informed of the decision and the reasons for that decision.

Should any complaint relate directly to the Complaints Officer, the complaint will be forwarded to a delegated independent industry related arbitrator for further investigation and reporting.  The independent arbitrator will liaise directly with the complainant in any such instance.


Unless there are exceptional circumstances, we will in all instances respond to your complaint within 30 days of receipt of the initial complaint.

If we are unable to resolve the complaint within 30 days we will:-

- inform you of the reasons for the delay;
- specify a date when a decision can be reasonably expected; and
- notify you of your right to contact the NSW Police Service Commercial & Private Inquiry Agent (CAPI) Section.

All complaints will be processed at no charge.


If we accept your complaint and are of the view that it is appropriate to offer redress to you, that redress may be non-financial as well as, or instead of, financial. If we consider that a financial remedy is appropriate then we will provide compensation for any direct loss or damage caused.

We will, when determining the appropriate remedy, take into consideration the extent of loss or damage suffered by you, relevant legal principles and other relevant codes of conduct and concepts of fairness and relevant industry best practice.

Data Collection:

We will keep data concerning your complaint in such form and manner as we think fit and will enable analysis according to:

(a) Type of complaint;
(b) Subject of complaint;
(c) Outcome of complaint;
(d) Timeliness of response.


Your rights to further action:

Should you not be satisfied with the outcome of our investigation of your complaint, you have the option of contacting NSW Fair Trading.

NSW Fair Trading
Telephone Number: 13 32 20 (8.30 am to 5 pm, Mon - Fri)
Postal Address:
NSW Fair Trading
PO Box 972
Parramatta 2124

Web Address:

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